This challenge isn't conceptually hard, but it involves actual error-prone coding. The other challenges in this set are there to bring you up to speed. This one is there to qualify you. If you can do this one, you're probably just fine up to Set 6.
There's a file here. It's been base64'd after being encrypted with repeating-key XOR.
Decrypt it.
Here's how:
this is a testand
wokka wokka!!!is 37. Make sure your code agrees before you proceed.
This code is going to turn out to be surprisingly useful later on. Breaking repeating-key XOR ("Vigenere") statistically is obviously an academic exercise, a "Crypto 101" thing. But more people "know how" to break it than can actually break it, and a similar technique breaks something much more important.
We get more tech support questions for this challenge than any of the other ones. We promise, there aren't any blatant errors in this text. In particular: the "wokka wokka!!!" edit distance really is 37.